Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Latin Dancing ... in Borken?

Here's something that I forgot to blog about ... a few weeks ago when it was still cold, rainy and gross, our friend Martin called and told us about a National Latin Dance competition at Borken's SportHalle.  Bryan had a basketball game that night somewhere far away, so Dylan and I had nothing to do and decided to go and check it out.

It was kind of hard to take pictures in the gym, but overall the performances were excellent and very entertaining.  I never would have thought that I would see a Latin Dance Competition (a national, really good one, no less) in tiny little Borken.  Basically there were about 8 teams consisting of 10-15 partners per team.  Each team had well-choreographed, long routines that sometimes seemed to last as long as 8 minutes or more.  The costumes, hair, spray-tans, everything were all really cool.

We didn't stay until the end - 2 hours was long enough for Dylan to watch dancing.  He kept asking me "When is the basketball game going to start?" and "Where are the balls?"

Here is Dylan with our friend, Martin.

In order to get Dylan to sit still so we could watch the performance, I allowed him to play with my camera.  Normally my camera is strictly forbidden, so this bought us quite a bit of time ... and about 20 pictures that look more or less exactly like this. 

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